
Letter: Rescue act helps breaks cycles of injustice, poverty

<p><strong>To the Editor:</strong></p><p>The American Rescue Plan Act is aimed at breaking the cycle of injustice and poverty.</p><p>This package is primed not only to rescue...

Letter: Let’s normalize mental health by talking about it

To the Editor:This past year presented so many different challenges and obstacles that tested our strength and resiliency.The global pandemic forced us to cope...

Letter: Rescue act helps breaks cycles of injustice, poverty

To the Editor:The American Rescue Plan Act is aimed at breaking the cycle of injustice and poverty.This package is primed not only to rescue...

Letter: Timely cartoon takes me down Georgia voting rabbit hole

To the Editor:I love political cartoons. Satire everywhere is censored for practically everything, but political cartoons are still out there and hilarious. Your recent...

Letter: Timely cartoon takes me down Georgia voting rabbit hole

<p><strong>To the Editor:</strong></p><p>I love political cartoons. Satire everywhere is censored for practically everything, but political cartoons are still out there and hilarious. Your recent...

Letter: 2.5 years not enough punishment for teen accused of shooting teen

To the Editor:I am sitting here sad and crying. I just cannot believe our justice system. A 15-year-old boy was shot and killed by...

Letter: 2.5 years not enough punishment for teen accused of shooting teen

<p><strong>To the Editor:</strong></p><p>I am sitting here sad and crying. I just cannot believe our justice system. A 15-year-old boy was shot and killed by...

Letter: I encourage you to read between the lines

Letter to Editor:Woah to America. Cancel culture is coming. Democrats want to turn us into Venezuela.Or so the GOP would have you believe.The new...

Letter: I encourage you to read between the lines

<p><strong>Letter to Editor:</strong></p><p>Woah to America. Cancel culture is coming. Democrats want to turn us into Venezuela.</p><p>Or so the GOP would have you believe.</p><p>The new...

Letter: Banning weapons won’t solve the real problem

To the Editor:The Daily Journal recently ran another opinion piece encouraging the banning of weapons. This is an idea that has already been used...