
Letter: Thanks to area police for getting drug dealers out of community

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I would like to publicly express my appreciation and gratitude for the concerted and on-going effort of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office...

Letter: Yesterday’s workers forgotten with no increases

To the editor:The reason for this letter is to ask you to make the public aware of what is taking place to the elderly...

Letter: Yesterday’s workers forgotten with no increases

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>The reason for this letter is to ask you to make the public aware of what is taking place to the elderly...

Letter: Was omission of veteran’s party a sign of bias?

Letter to the editor:On Page A4 of the Daily Journal on Nov. 15, there was an editorial about a Navy Seal who was injured...

Letter: Was omission of veteran’s party a sign of bias?

<p><strong>Letter to the editor:</strong></p><p>On Page A4 of the Daily Journal on Nov. 15, there was an editorial about a Navy Seal who was injured...

Letter: Outgoing sheriff thanks public, shares father’s guidance

To the editor:Congratulations to Duane Burgess in being elected as the next sheriff in Johnson County .I am confident he will do an excellent...

Letter: Outgoing sheriff thanks public, shares father’s guidance

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Congratulations to Duane Burgess in being elected as the next sheriff in Johnson County .</p><p>I am confident he will do an excellent...

Letter: Research vaccines, family history and wellness

Letter to the editor:This subject is near and dear to my heart. Please consider another viewpoint: Vaccines can be deadly to certain individuals and...

Letter: Research vaccines, family history and wellness

<p><strong>Letter to the editor:</strong></p><p>This subject is near and dear to my heart. Please consider another viewpoint: Vaccines can be deadly to certain individuals and...

Letter: Voters deserve better system, shorter wait

To the editor:County officials, voters need your help.After hearing about horrendous waiting lines on past Election Days, my wife and I have voted early...