Home Opinion Page 104


Richard Feldman: Public opinion calls for marijuana legalization


Although marijuana has medical benefits, it is certainly not a harmless drug, especially for adolescents who can suffer long-term adverse consequences.

GPL Column: Helping a child succeed at reading


As a mother of a dyslexic child, I know the frustrations and heartbreak of trying to help a child succeed at reading. Learning to read for many children is a tortuous task that can result in a great deal of anxiety for the child and family.

Norman Knight: No vacation from vacation planning


Yes, we should have started planning earlier. But coordinating personal schedules, taking into account changing needs and plans, and factoring in limited calendar possibilities makes planning a family vacation for nine a … challenge.

Michael Hicks: Labor market facts you won’t read elsewhere


One area of growing frustration for me is the low quality of information Hoosiers receive about labor markets. It isn’t the incessant political spin about the monthly jobs report, or the use of dubious jobs announcements that vexes me. Indiana is hardly alone in deploying political spin. I’m concerned that honest efforts to develop education and workforce development policy suffer from low-quality data and analysis.

John Krull: Tales of debt ceiling dementia


So, what we have in Washington, D.C., these days is an epic temper tantrum that, left uncorrected, could lead to economic chaos, a stock market crash, higher interest rates and millions of people losing their jobs.

Niki Kelly: IEDC spending more and more dollars to bring jobs here


I was sitting at home watching a basketball game over the holiday break when my head perked up: I heard Roger Penske’s voice on the television. What was first idle curiosity grew when I realized he was narrating a minute-long ad for the IEDC on national television.

Dick Wolfsie: Getting testy over chocolate


My wife read some troubling information the other day in one of her monthly magazines.

Ryan Trares: Warm January is snow fun


Every time we walk into our garage, the grinning, circular snowman face mocks us.

Hearts & Darts

